Los Tainos Arawacos tradicionalistas De Boriken


El Portal means gateways.This unique Center is the gateway to new experiences,a place to enjoy while learning about El Yunque. The tropical architecture blends with the forest to celebrate the bond between people and the environment.The Portal are for young and old alike. Exploration and sensory experiences are way to involve visitors in the process of discovering the many wonders tropical forests have reveal.
Gracias al Concilio Taino por darme la oportunidad de utilizar el cd Homenaje a nuestros Ancestros -- Guaytiao

Yunque is located in a green belt like most Tropical forest around the Equator, The Equator cover approximately seven percent of the Earths surface. El Yunque National Forest, the only tropical rain forest in the United States National Forest System. The Sierra de Luquillo Mountains which transverse this area receive over 200 inches of rain a year.Located in the east side of Puerto Rico, the forests covers an area of 28,000 acres.El Yunque is big in diversity, There are more species of trees in the Forest that there are in all the other forests of the National Forest System put together.The Yokahu Tower can be seen from various forest locations. The view offers the opportunity to study the four different forest types, mountain peaks and the remaining effects of Hurricane Hugo The Taino believed their gods lived in the Sierra de Luquillo.As the home of Yuquiyu, The good God who protected them from all that was evil, gave the cloudy peaks a name which means white or sacred lands. The Spanish explores translated the Taino tern in error to "Yunque
Petroglyphs are etched in some of the forests rocks as a reminder of the early inhabitants of the area, The Taino Indians for whom the forest had a spiritual significance

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