Los Tainos Arawacos tradicionalistas De Boriken


Comentarios de Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz

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A las 10:26pm del mayo 25, 2011, Iris Antongiorgi dijo...

A las 4:12pm del mayo 20, 2011, Iris Antongiorgi dijo...

A las 3:27pm del mayo 8, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...
"One does not sell the land people walk on." ...
A las 3:25pm del mayo 8, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...
"Our land is everything to us... I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember that our grandfathers paid for it - with their lives."
A las 12:02am del mayo 3, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...

"If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian, he can live in peace.....Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. All men were made by the same Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers. The Earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.......Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade....where I choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to think and talk and act for myself, and I will obey every law, or submit to the penalty."

A las 11:32pm del mayo 2, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...

"The white people, who are trying to make us over into their image, they want us to be what they call "assimilated," bringing the Indians into the mainstream and destroying our own way of life and our own cultural patterns. They believe we should be contented like those whose concept of happiness is materialistic and greedy, which is very different from our way.

We want freedom from the white man rather than to be intergrated. We don't want any part of the establishment, we want to be free to raise our children in our religion, in our ways, to be able to hunt and fish and live in peace. We don't want power, we don't want to be congressmen, or bankers....we want to be ourselves. We want to have our heritage, because we are the owners of this land and because we belong here.

The white man says, there is freedom and justice for all. We have had "freedom and justice," and that is why we have been almost exterminated. We shall not forget this."

A las 11:21pm del mayo 2, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...

The Great Spirit is in all things, he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our Father, but the Earth is our Mother. She nourishes us, that which we put into the ground she returns to us....

A las 6:19pm del abril 25, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...
We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees." - Qwatsinas (Hereditary Chief Edward Moody), Nuxalk Nation
A las 6:18pm del abril 25, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...
The land is sacred. These words are at the core of your being. The land is our mother, the rivers our blood. Take our land away and we die. That is, the Indian in us dies." - Mary Brave Bird, Lakota
A las 5:56pm del abril 25, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...
Montaña/monte/volcán - Parque Nacional El Yunque
A las 5:54pm del abril 25, 2011, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...
view looking up to the top of el yunque where Yuquiyu dwells
A las 10:59pm del septiembre 7, 2009, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...
A las 2:05pm del septiembre 4, 2009, Balana'ni dijo...
Gracias por tu aceptacion, no te preocupes por la tardanza. Estoy de acuerdo contigo en el comentario de "Es mejor morir de pie..Que vivir de rodillas" Tenemos que hacer algo por nuestra nacion que se nos esta cayendo en cantos.
A las 12:22am del agosto 10, 2009, Dr. Tekina-eirú Maynard dijo...
Yao Tiao! Jokaju cacona guari!

-- Tekina-eirú
A las 8:36pm del agosto 7, 2009, Majaguany dijo...
Bendiciones de Yaya:
welcome to my yucayeque...estamos vivo!
A las 4:09pm del julio 30, 2009, Nemeninshiro Rivera-Ruiz dijo...

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